Sem: July-November 2024

CS578: Internet of Things

Pre-requisite: None. (However, knowledge of programming, embedded systems, and computer networks & communication will be helpful.)
  • Introduction to IoT
    • What is IoT?, IoT vs WSN, IoT vs M2M, Impact of IoT, IoT Challenges, IoT Applications
    • IoT Ecosystem: Various technical components of IoT
    • Things in IoT: Sensors, Actuators, Smart objects
    • IoT Architecture: oneM2M, IoTWF
  • IoT Application Design Hands-on
    • Arduino Programming: About Arduino Board and IDE, Programming on Arduino and NodeMCU, Analog and Digital I/O, Palse Width Modulation, Serial Communications - UART, SPI, I2C
    • DIY IoT Projects: Configuring small IoT network; Connect with sensor, actuator and cloud server; Data visualization in cloud server
    • Advanced IoT Projects: Programming Raspberry Pi, TI CC2650 SensorTag, etc.
  • IoT Core Technologies
    • IoT Access Technologies: Communication criteria, Low Power Wireless Networks, IEEE 1901.2a, NB-IoT, BLE, ZigBee, 5G etc.
    • IoT Core Protocols: Network and Data Protocols – CoAP, MQTT, RPL, 6LoWPAN, 6P, MSF, TSCH MAC
  • Associated Technologies
    • Data and Analytics for IoT: IoT Middleware, Data analytics for IoT, AI and ML, Big Data analytics tools and technology
    • IoT Security: Privacy and security issues in IoT, Intrusion Detection System for IoT, Blockchain for IoT
    • Cloud and Edge: Cloud computing, Edge computing, Edge Intelligence
  • IoT Application case study
    • Smart Home, Smart City, Smart Grid, Smart Agriculture, Smart Transportation, Smart Manufacturing, Smart Healthcare , etc.
Text Book:
  • [Hanes18] David Hanes et al., “IoT Fundamentals: Networking Technologies, Protocols, and Use Cases for the Internet of Things”, 1st Ed, Pearson Education, 2018.
  • [Bahga15] Arshdeep Bahga and Vijay Madisetti, “Internet of Things: A Hands-on Approach”, 1st Ed, Universities Press (India), 2015.

Reference Books & Resources:
  • [Ramgir20] Mayur Ramgir, “Internet of Things – Architecture, Implementation and Security”, 1st Ed, Pearson India, 2020.
  • Sudip Misra, Anandarup Mukherjee, Arijit Roy, “Introduction to IoT” 1st Ed, Cambridge University Press, 2021.
  • Yashavant Kanetkar and Shrirang Korde, “21 Internet of Things (IOT) Experiments: Learn IoT, the programmer’s way”, 1st Ed, BPB Publications, 2018.
  • NPTEL Course: Introduction to IoT, by Prof. Sudip Misra. URL
  • Research Papers on IoT


  • Dr. Manas Khatua

Teaching Assistants

  • Soumya Nandan Mishra; Email:
  • Surja Sanyal; Email:
  • Vikas Kumar Khurendra; Email:

Class Timing and Venue

  • Slot: E1 in timetable
  • Class Timing:
    • Tuesday (5 PM - 5:55 PM)
    • Wednesday (4 PM - 4:55 PM)
    • Thursday (3 PM - 3:55 PM)
  • Venue: 1002, Core 1
  • Mode of Lectures: Live Class

Grading Strategy

  • Class Participation Quiz: 10%
  • Mid-Sem Exam: 25%
  • End-Sem Exam: 35%
  • DIY IoT H/W Project: 15%
  • Research Paper Presentation: 15%


Sl.No.Lecture DateTopics Taught in ClassDetailed ResourcesNotes/PPT
1.30th Jul'24Course Plan----
2.31st Jul'24Introduction to IoT[Hanes18] Chapter 1 PPT
3.1st Aug'24IoT Ecosystem[Ramgir20] Chapter 2 PPT
4.6th Aug'24Things in IoT[Hanes18] Chapter 3 PPT
5.7th Aug'24Intro on Arduino Board and IDE Website PPT
6.8th Aug'24Intro on Arduino Programming Programming PPT
7.13th Aug'24UART Serial Communication Protocol Connectivity Library PPT
8.14th Aug'24Demo on End-to-End Smart Home IoT Application PPT
9.20th Aug'24I2C Serial Communication Protocol Connectivity Library PPT
10.21st Aug'24IoT Architecture[Hanes18] Chapter 2 PPT
11.22nd Aug'24Introduction to Access Technologies[Hanes18] Chapter 4 PPT
12.27th Aug'24IEEE 802.15.4 - I[Hanes18] Chapter 4 PPT
13.28th Aug'24IEEE 802.15.4 - II 802.15.4 Standard PPT
14.29th Aug'24IEEE 802.15.4 - III 802.15.4 Standard PPT
15.3rd Sep'24IEEE 802.15.4 - IV 802.15.4 Standard PPT


  • [25/July] First lecture on IoT will be on 30-th July 2024 (Tuesday).